In 1973 was born the Teatro Regio as we know it today. After a terrible fire was Carlo Mollino who redesigned it and made it the architectural masterpiece kwown and appreciated all over the world, symbol of an eclecticism rich in symbolic signs, a space in where art and life meet.
On the occasion of its 50 years celebrations, the Teatro Regio has decided to renew its look giving itself a new logo. The project has been entrusted to the communication agency Undesign that, starting from an original and unpublished sketch drawn with tender graphite for the Foyer del Toro by Carlo Mollino, has made the new identity.
A rebrand which would be a wish to make music, Theatre and Opera stay long in the city's and turinese's heart.
Ovals, mirrors and architectural sinuosities of the Theatre, able to push the sight over, become compositional elements to interpret for tracking, connecting, giving rhythm and build a graphic sign new but with a timeless soul, full of meanings starting from the Muse which holds the lyre and the dancing bull which represents the strong bond that joins the Opera to Torino.