Promotion and spaces dedicated to advertising

Advertising and showcasing
The Teatro Regio is a splendid stage that offers excellent possibilities for every type of promotional and communication initiative. It is a unique place because of its history and cultural importance, situated in the heart of the city, of which it is one of the most prestigious ambassadors in the world. Choosing the Teatro Regio means being associated with one of Torino’s winning brands
Various publications are available
- Season booklet
The booklet includes all the programming of the Theatre: Operas and Ballets, Symphony concerts, School at the Opera, At Regio with the Family, Conferences, Guided tours
- Monograph volume
The volume, part of the Teatro Regio editorial series, comprises essays, critical analysis, images and the opera libretto.
- Program inserts (Opera and Ballet)
It is the brochure printed for any show of the Opera and Ballet Season, of the School at the Opera and of To the Regio with the Family and it includes the playbill and the synopsis.
- Programs (Concerts)
It is the booklet with pictures and presentation texts, printed for the symphonic events of the Regio (Concerts Season).
- Display above the proscenium (Supertitles)
Display situated above the proscenium for the projection of the supertitles, which can be also used, before the beginning of the performance or during the intermissions, for advertising messages.
Expositional spaces are also available
These publicity tools can be integrated with activities of promotional sampling, tickets for performances, a special desk reserved for guests picking up tickets and programs, an area for cocktails during the intermissions, special guided tours and other initiatives
For information and to sign up
General Management’s Administrative Office
Piazza Castello 215
10124 Torino
011 8815 216