Giving to the Regio, you will have a tax credit equal to 65% of your charitable contribution

The opportunity of Art Bonus
Strong in its commitment to keep alive the tradition of opera and its incredible capacity to excite, the Regio invites you to act personally in order to guarantee the protection and preservation of this artistic heritage for future generations.
Thanks to the important changes introduced with the special law (D.L. 31/05/2014 n.83 and subsequent amendments), making one’s contribution in support of culture is easier and more advantageous for all. In fact, the law provides for a permanent, i.e. with no time limits, tax credit of 65% of charitable contributions made, to be utilized in three annual installments of the same amount, restricted to the specific aim of supporting opera/symphonic foundations.
Make a charitable donation or join the Friends of the Regio Association, taking advantage of the tax benefits provided by Art Bonus.
Contribution: 1,000 euro
Fiscal deduction/tax credit 65%: 650 euro recuperated in the three subsequent years in three installments of the same amount: 216.66 euro
How to donate to Teatro Regio
Donations should be made by bank transfer (or by cheque). It is necessary to contact our offices to communicate in advance the personal information of the donor since the Teatro Regio is required by law to transmit this information to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. For reasons of transparency donations are published concisely on the website of the Teatro Regio (name, surname and amount donated); the contributor, however, can choose to remain anonymous, with only the amount visible.
Charitable contributions publication
Discover the amount of funds destined to Teatro Regio till now and intervention areas:
The official website of Art Bonus
Limits and obligations
For individuals and non-profit organizations the gross tax credit is equal to 15% of taxable income.
For owners of business income the gross tax credit cannot exceed 0.5 % of annual revenue.
Companies can still opt to make use of the previous deductibility reserved for companies in accordance with DPR 917 of 22/12/86 art. 100, paragraph 2, letter m.
According to the provisions of art. 1 paragraph 5 of the cited D.L. 83/2014 and subsequent amendments, the beneficiaries of charitable donations – in this case the Teatro Regio Foundation – are required to inform the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism MiBACT) about the donations in one of the following two ways available to the donor:
the transmission of personal data to MiBACT and the publication of the same on the website of the Ministry and of the beneficiary – when appropriate the Teatro Regio Foundation – their destination and their use, subject to the provisions of the Code regarding the protection of personal data D. Lgs.196/2003.
Or he transmission of personal data to MiBACT in confidential form, and the publication of the same on the website of the Ministry and of the beneficiary – when appropriate the Teatro Regio Foundation – their destination and use, qualifying the donation as coming from an “anonymous donor”.
011 8815 202 / 011 8815 216