Take advantage of the discounts and reductions included with tickets for the operas and concerts

Reductions for young people
- Regio under 16
Regio under 16 gives free admission for young people up to 16 years of age if accompanied by one or two adults, to whom will be applied a reduction of about 10% on the ticket price. This reduction is valid for the following performances:
Saturday 9 November 2019 8 pm - The Taming of the Shrew
Friday 24 January 2020 8 pm - Die Zauberflöte
Saturday 21 March 2020 8 pm - La bohème
Thursday 21 May 2020 8 pm - Don Pasquale
Saturday 13 June 2020 8 pm - Il barbiere di Siviglia
Friday 3 July 2020 8 pm - My Fair LadySeats reserved for this initiative are limited.
- Family formula for The Wizard of Oz
For the performances of The Wizard of Oz of 16 and 17 May and of 20 May 8 pm, the Teatro Regio offers the new “Family Formula”, which provides for a € 10 ticket for one or two under 16 accompanied respectively by one or two adults, to whom will be applied a reduction of about 30% on the ticket price. If the family unit is composed by 5 people, the cost of the ticket for the fifth person is € 20.
- 18app
Those who have the requisites, can use Bonus Cultura to buy tickets (in any sector) at the price of € 25 for shows combined to Series A. For any companions, there is a discount of 50% off the full-priced ticket. Seats reserved for this initiative are limited
See complete information
- Under 30
For people younger than 30 years of age, there is a special subscription to Series A, with a reduction of about 65%, and two subscriptions Young People to three titles, with a reduction up to 46%; for other subscriptions (except for Series P and Q), reduction is about 30%. On tickets reduction is about 20%.
Other reductions
- Subscribers to Opera and Ballet Season
Subscribers to Opera and Ballet Season have some facilitations described in the section Benefit.
- Companies with an agreement
For some companies which have an agreement with the Teatro Regio a reduction of about 10% on the ticket price will be applied.
- Over 65
For people older than 65 years of age, there is a reduction of about 10% on the ticket price.
- One hour before the show
One hour before the shows, tickets still available will be put on sale with a reduction of about 20% on the ticket price. There is no reduction on performances of Roberto Bolle and Friends, of The Wizard of Oz, on those combined with Series P and Q and on seats with reduced view.
- Disabled people
For wheelchair users, ticket price is € 30 (performances of Series A and Roberto Bolle and Friends: € 55) or, if a seat is requested, there is a reduction about 10%; in case of a companion presence there is a complimentary ticket.
- Teacher's Card
Public school teachers can use their Bonus to buy tickets for any show. The Teacher's Card is a Education, University and Research Ministry venture.
See complete information
Terms and Conditions
Discounted tickets should be purchased showing a document which could certify the right to obtain the reduction; the same document could be requested at the Theatre entrance. Without showing the document, the payment of the full price will be due.
There is no reduction on performances of Roberto Bolle and Friends, on those combined with Series P and Q and on seats with reduced view.